Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Comfort Hotel Reception Lounge, Okayama, Japan

The waste bin... stylish, hidden... There is a dispenser for liquids... and one for the solid items... The cabinet is on wheels... so it can be simply wheeled away to be emptied, instead of carrying the waste bins out in the open...

The Breakfast serving table... various types of bread, jam, margarine, eggs etc are kept on this table... about 10 sq feet... for about 100 plus people for breakfast from 0630 to 0930 am...

Those screens hide the breakfast units... microwaves, ovens, cornflake dispensing machines etc etc etc... the screens are simply pulled down, and the stuff is hidden for the day... no need to move them around and have more manual labour...

The Internet Terminal, Computer Plus Printer, Xerox Machine, with the coin machine next to it, and the Cigarette Sale Machine... Again, notice what's missing? There are no chairs at the Internet Terminal... So, nobody can sit around and hog the internet terminals...

And, at the xerox machine, you put in coins... mark the number of copies you want... and do your own work... Again, no employees hanging around...

The reception area... and the lobby... can you notice a significant aspect that is not present... ?? There are no employees moving around...

The Breakfast lobby on the Ground Floor of the Comfort Hotel, Okayama, Japan

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