Thursday, December 14, 2006

Returning from Korakuen Garden along Asahi River

The potted coloured and white cauliflowers... along the Asahi River...

White and coloured cauliflowers... grown by local households, along the Asahi River... Again, a small touch that leaves you breathless for the imagery...

A close-up... The castle seems lost without the entire river and the Korakuen Island in the same image...

The rain gathered steadily... dusk set in by 4.30 pm... and the silhouette of the Okayama Castle was prominently placed alongside the Asahi River... it was a setting for writing some serious poetry... in solitude, about solitude... imagining life forever... establishing your footprints in history... like the Okayama castle, the Asahi River and the Korakuen Garden has done... I love this photograph... the photo itself seems like a poem... what can you write after such an image?

This grey heron was waiting out the steady drizzle of rain in the cold... no foraging... no hope for getting any food... just simply waiting it out...

1 comment:

Carlos Alberto Yrigoyen said...

Okayama castle awakes,
echoes over the waters.
Flowing away on the timeless stream,
reflexes... shadows... memories... as glimpses!

New Delhi, July 15th 2007.